How to create a shopify app in 2022
How to create a shopify app in 2022
Shopify made in incredibly easy for you to create a shopify app in 2022. All you have to do is update your shopify cli and run the latest version. You can checkout you shopify CLI version by typing in shopify version
in your terminal. If you run version 2.7.3 or higher then you can be sure that the shopify app CLI is available to you.
Now cd into the directory where you want to install your app. Now just type in
this will create a new laravel project. Shopify also provides the ability to create a node.js project or a ruby project right from the CLI!
You might think that you can instantly open your app by typing in shopify app open. But unfortunately that won't work yet. Some configuration is still necessary.
First you have to make sure that your ngrok connection is authenticated. So you will have to create an account and open your dashboard at ngrok. In there you can navigate to your Auth token and copy that value.
Now go back to your terminal and type in
Now your ngrok connection is authenticated. Your shopify application needs ngrok to connect to your shop. Now you can start your app by typing in
This command will automatically start a new tunnel via ngrok and start a local development server.
The CLI will ask you if you want to update your application url. If you have no other reason why you shouldn't update your app url, then click yes.
This step is important, because every time you restart your application you will get a new ngrok-url. This means your local application is now reachable under a new url. That's why you would have to update your app url in your partners dashboard again. But the shopify CLI will do that for you automatically.
Your terminal should now look something like this:

If you press command or ctrl and click on the link in the console then you will be taken to installation window of shopify. That page will look something like this:

If you click on install unlisted app then you should see something like this:

Congrats! You just created a shopify app in a matter of minutes.